A man without a dream

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de A man without a dream

Carole King

With the music of life
my soul is out of tune
and i feel like i'm growing old
much too soon
my love i just couldn't compare
and the key to my happiness
i let slip away
Now i'm a man without a dream
i've got a heart that has no home
all my senses are numb
losing you i've become
a man without a dream
Instead of striving to reach my goals in life
i got distracted with mean, endless games
for just an illusion i traded love that was real
now my eyes cannot see and my heart cannot feel
Now i'm a man without a dream
i've got a heart that has no home
all my senses are numb
losing you i've become
a man without a dream
Sometimes i think i'm a prisoner of fate
doomed to find out things a little too late
and so i must play this broken man's role
unless you come home, girl
and bring back my soul
Now i'm a man without a dream
i've got a heart that has no home
all my senses are numb
losing you i've become
a man without a dream

Letra de A Man Without A Dream de Carole King

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