Better year

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Letra de Better year

Adrienne Pierce

Wally’s all night grocery is doing well
Magazines and chocolate can't be hard to sell
Dollar for the news of disaster and war
Sometimes I wonder what I buy it for

It's gonna be a better year
Better than the last one dear

Take it easy, it's all right
Take it easy, it‚s all right

This little apartment has a pretty good view
Neighbor’s kids are fighting but they always do
Watching as they pile into the yellow bus
Can't believe next year there will be three of us

Gonna be a better year
Better than the last one dear

Take it easy, it's all right
Take it easy, it‚s all right

And if the weight on your back is too much for you
Do what all the happy people do
Hold the one you love by your side
And let it ride

It's all right, take it easy

Days have gotten short, the amaryllis blooms
There’s a tranquil blue light in these tiny rooms
Every day we hear of a new tragedy
So I am surprised happiness has crept up on me

Everything will be ok
Feel it in my bones today

Take it easy, it's all right
Take it easy, it‚s all right

And if the weight on your back is too much for you
Do what all the happy people do
Hold the one you love by your side
And let it ride

It’s all right, take it easy
It’s all right, take it easy
It’s all right

Letra de Better Year de Adrienne Pierce

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