Buscando raz贸n (english lyrics)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Buscando raz贸n (english lyrics)

Pedro Suarez Vertiz

Ando naked in the street
'm Trying to laugh and forget
Whistling old melodies
Ando escape from reality

Looking right, lost my mind
I lost the reason
Looking right, lost my mind
I lost the reason

Life is silly
If you walk seriously
Life is a mess
If you own who greet

Looking right, lost my mind
I lost the reason
Looking right, lost my mind
I lost the reason

There is no reason, there is only love
Without condition

I am a bundle of faults
Well, I have a lot of sensitivity
I have my philosophy
No one dies
From never work

Looking right, lost my mind
I lost the reason
Looking right, lost my mind
I lost the reason There is no reason, there is only love
Without condition

Any corner is my office
Any friend of a lifetime of love
I'll be your lover dont you murderer
Not chase me I'm going to find

Looking right, lost my mind
I lost the reason
Looking right, lost my mind
I lost the reason

Ando naked in the street
Life is silly
I talk about sex all day, all day
Well, I have much sympathy

There is no reason, there is only love
And there is no reason, there is only love
And there is no reason, there is only love
And there is no reason, no reason
There is only love, there's only love

Letra de Buscando Raz贸n (english lyrics) de Pedro Suarez Vertiz

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