Christmas on tv

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Christmas on tv

Isaak Chris

I'm watching Christmas on TV
And wishing you were here with me
Merry Christmas from one million miles away
Jimmy Stewart, he's with his friends
The bells are ringing
It's near the end
Merry Christmas from one million miles away

Hold the lights across the street
They look so warm, they look so sweet
Like the love you gave to me
Just yesterday
But you're really not that far
In our old house
With his new car
So merry Christmas from one million miles away
Merry Christmas baby

Hold the lights across the street
They look so warm, they look so sweet
Like the love you gave to me
Just yesterday
The movie is over
The credit rolls
But I've got no place left to go
So merry Christmas from one million miles away
Oh merry Christmas from a million miles away

Letra de Christmas on TV de Isaak Chris

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