Cuidado amor (en inglés)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Cuidado amor (en inglés)

Julio Iglesias

My love, it’s not possible that you don’t understand
That you don’t want to realise what I’m suffering because of you
Once again you left
And if at least you knew what I feel for you

It must be that the affection you swore
That at first you showed me, is almost dead
I who have taken so much care of you
And have cried so much for you, I just want to warn you

Be careful, my love, life is always an opportunity
And being alone it could happen
That someone wants to be in your place

Be careful, my love, there are people out there crying loneliness
If you love me you’d better come back now
Be careful, my love, come back My love, tell me that you haven’t forgotten
That the affection I’ve given you I still keep for you
That despite a bad patch
Nobody has loved you as much as I love you

My love, I’ve been calling you for a while
I look for you everywhere, I haven’t heard anything from you
If you knew how I miss you
All the time we spent together, but today I want to warn you

Be careful, my love, life is always an opportunity
And being alone it could happen
That someone wants to be in your place

Be careful, my love, there are people out there crying loneliness
If you love me you’d better come back now
Be careful, my love, come back

Be careful, my love, life is always an opportunity
And being alone it could happen
That someone wants to be in your place

Be careful, my love, there are people out there crying loneliness
If you love me you’d better come back now
Be careful, my love, come back

Letra de Cuidado Amor (en inglés) de Julio Iglesias

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