Date raped

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Letra de Date raped

New Found Glory

Oh' the sucker has been planing a camp for me
but i don't feel like going
But you missed your launch but no dinner
but your mom beats you like your some kind of chicken
You gotta fight the war to get date raped
He said i got ants in pants but i said no way
that junkie takes 5 pencils a day

Man justifying my love is such a drag
now your mom threw away your best toy you ever had
bust it
You gotta fight the war to get date raped
You gotta fight!
Don't go in this school if your gonna act up.
i'll kick you out of my house if you don't turn that off.
Your dad busted in and said what's that noise
oh daddy don't be jealus it's new found glory!
You gotta fight the war to get date raped
You gotta fight the war to get date raped
Raped raped raped!!

Letra de Date Raped de New Found Glory

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