Days are numbers

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Days are numbers

The Alan Parsons Project

The traveler is always leaving town
He never has the time to turn around
And if the road he's taken isn't leading anywhere
He seems to be completely unaware

The traveler is always leaving home
The only kind of life he's ever known
When every moment seems to be
A race against the time
There's always one more mountain left to climb

Days are numbers, watch the stars
We can only see so far
Someday, you'll know where you are, remember

Days are numbers, count the stars
We can only go so far
One day, you'll know where you are

The traveler awaits the morning tide
He doesn't know what's on the other side
But something deep inside of him
Keeps telling him to go
He hasn't found a reason to say no The traveler is only passing through
He cannot understand your point of view
Abandoning reality, unsure of what he'll find
The traveler in me is close behind

Days are numbers, watch the stars
We can only see so far
Someday you'll know where you are

Days are numbers, count the stars
We can only go so far
One day, you'll know where you are

Days are numbers, watch the stars
We can only see so far
Someday you'll know where you are

Letra de Days are numbers de The Alan Parsons Project

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