De niña a mujer (en inglés)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de De niña a mujer (en inglés)

Julio Iglesias

You were a little girl with long silences and you loved me well
Your gaze searched for mine, you played at being a woman
A few years later, dressed in another skin
And my life hoped for nothing, I loved you well too

I missed you so much that not seeing you by my side
I dreamed of seeing you again
And in the meantime I was inventing you from a girl to a woman

That little girl of long silences flew so high that
My gaze wanted to reach her and I couldn’t see her
I stopped her in time, thinking that she shouldn’t grow
But time is fooling me, my girl is a woman

I loved her so much that upon leaving my side
I knew that I was going to lose her
The soul was changing from a girl to a woman

I loved her so much that upon leaving my side
I knew that I was going to lose her
The soul was changing from a girl to a woman

Letra de De Niña A Mujer (en inglés) de Julio Iglesias

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