Dirty rats

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Letra de Dirty rats

Voodoo Glow Skulls

Here they come one by one. No need to run and hide. Everone of them has
Rudeness as their best friend. Using madness and fun as an alibi. And when
They leave all the girls start to cry. DIRTY RATS......DIRTY RATS..... See
Them at the party gathered in a crowd. Making sure that all their friends.
Are feeling irie now. Don't try to fight them because you will not win.
Unity is amongst them and everybody knows. DIRTY RATS.....DIRTY RATS....
If you see a dirty rat don't be afraid. They will treat you like one of them.
Even if you ain't the same. Showing no remorse for what they have done.
You can be a dirty rat just by having fun.

Letra de Dirty Rats de Voodoo Glow Skulls

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