Don't want to be an idol (english lyrics)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Don't want to be an idol (english lyrics)


Because of the endless schedule
It’s not easy to see your face
Me inside the TV, you watching me on TV
That’s how we date

Should I quit?
When I think about you, I keep getting weak

Because I’m an idol, because I’m a celebrity
I can’t hold your hand when we walk but
When I become more famous, when I become more confident
I will give you all the love I couldn’t give you now

I want to go out and go to the movies
I want to stick close to you and walk all day
Things that everyone else does, things that are normal
Those things are difficult for us

I wondered if we should break up a few times but I love you too much As much as I love you, music is so important to me too so I can’t help it
After some time passes, after I become a bit more famous
I will reveal you to the world – I love you

Because of all the cameras, because of my manager
I kept pushing back our dates
When my music succeeds, when everything goes well
I will give you all the love I couldn’t give you now

I’ll do everything for you, I’ll give you everything

This song is for you – I love you

Letra de Don't Want To Be An Idol (english lyrics) de VIXX

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