Educating archie

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Educating archie

Van Morrison

You're a slave to the capitalist system
Which is ruled by the global elite
What happened to, the individual
What happened to, the working class white

They filled his head with so much propaganda
Entertainment on tv and all kinds of shite
What happened to the individual
When he gave up all of his rights

Tell you up is down and wrong is right
Nothing to hang your hat on, can't even get uptight

You're controlled by the media
Everything you say and do
What happened to, the individual
Tell me what happened to you
Tell you up is down, not able to fight
Keep you docile and complacent, can't even get uptight
Controlled by the media and you don't know what you can do
They took away your constitution you don't even know what happened to you Waffle is the language that they taught you, taught you to talk
But you can't even get any angle 'cause you forgot how. keep on walking the walk

You're a slave to the capitalist system and it's controlled by the global elite
Double dealing with the banks, behind your back, just can't fight

Letra de Educating Archie de Van Morrison

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