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Letra de Eet

El Drag贸n

It鈥檚 like forgetting the words to your favorite song
You can鈥檛 believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can鈥檛 remember
You try to feel the beat

Eet, eet, eet, eet
Eet, eet, eet, eet

You spent half of your life trying to fall behind
You鈥檙e using your headphones to drown out your mind
It was so easy, and the words so sweet
You can鈥檛 remember
You try to move your feet

Eet, eet, eet, eet
Eet, eet, eet, eet

Someone鈥檚 deciding whether or not to steal
He opens the window just to feel the chill
He hears that outside a small boy just starting to cry
鈥楥ause it鈥檚 his turn but his brother won鈥檛 let him try

It鈥檚 like forgetting the words to your favorite song
You can鈥檛 believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can鈥檛 remember
You try to move your feet

It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can鈥檛 remember, you try to feel the bea

Letra de Eet de El Drag贸n

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