Esta cobardía (en inglés)

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Letra de Esta cobardía (en inglés)

Julio Iglesias

She doesn’t realise that when I look at her
So as not to give myself away, I hold back a sigh
That my silent love is lit up when I see her
That I would give my life to possess her

She doesn’t realise that my eyes shine
That I tremble by her side and even blush
That she’s the reason that my love awakened
That she’s my delirium and she doesn’t realise

This cowardice of my love for her
Makes me see her the same as a star
So far away, so far away from reality
That I don’t ever hope to reach her

This cowardice of my love for her
Makes me see her the same as a star
So far away, so far away from reality
That I don’t ever hope to reach her She doesn’t realise that I’ve always had
The thousands of kisses that she hasn’t asked me for
That on my sad nights deserted of sleep
That in a crazy desire I feel like her owner

She doesn’t realise that I’ve taken her
That she’s been mine without having loved her
That it’s her cold soul that torments me
That she sees me dying and doesn’t realise

This cowardice of my love for her
Makes me see her the same as a star
So far away, so far away from reality
That I don’t ever hope to reach her

This cowardice of my love for her
Makes me see her the same as a star
So far away, so far away from reality
That I don’t ever hope to reach her

This cowardice of my love for her
Makes me see her the same as a star
So far away, so far away from reality
That I don’t ever hope to reach her

Letra de Esta Cobardía (en inglés) de Julio Iglesias

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