Every word is a knife in my ear

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Letra de Every word is a knife in my ear

The Bravery

Every word from your mouth is a knife in my ear
Every thought in your head is like poison to hear

Like a snake in a suit spitting into the air
With a tongue like a needle and we're shot full of fear
White picket teeth and a big red alert
The life of the party and we pulled up our skirt

It's like poison
It's like poison

Every word from your mouth is a knife in my ear
Every thought in your head is like poison to hear

A fool is a devil and a devil's a fool
With a fork-tongue needle and you got us all fooled
A monkey doing tricks and we couldn't resist
If this isn't evil then I don't know what is

It's like poison
It's like poison

Every word from your mouth is a knife in my ear
Every thought in your head is like poison to hear

Every word from your mouth is a knife in my ear

Letra de Every word is a knife in my ear de The Bravery

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