Go natty go

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Go natty go


Go natty go you must find the love
Go natty go you must find the peace
Go natty go you must find the unity
Go natty go

And we walk in this concrete jungle
Survive and confronting the Babylon system
Look for the right way to find Zion
Look for the right way to find Jah

Natty dreadlock is a good person
He doesn’t know the evil or tricks
He only knows the true revelation
He only believe in His Majesty


Natty dreadlock es puro amor
El no conoce el odio no
Pues todos somos
Hijos del mismo dios.

La madre tierra es una gran bendición
Y el la cuida con mucho amor
Sus dreadlocks son un pacto con el Allmighty
Para demostrar su amor. CORO

So natty dreadlocks go to the World
And spread the seeds of love
Show everyone the truth of RastafarI

So natty dreadlocks go, go to the world
Spread the seeds of Jah RastafarI


Letra de Go Natty Go de Rebel-I

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