Hallelujah (english lyrics)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Hallelujah (english lyrics)

Oliver Riedel

He is religious and very sensitive
On his wall is a picture of the Lord
He wipes the dust from the Bible
And he happily distributes the Communion

He loves the boys in the choir
They keep their souls pure
But the tenor worries him
So he must be closest to him
On his nightstand, quiet and wordless
A picture of the Lord
He slowly turns it around

When the church clock strikes twice
He folds his hands for prayer
He has lived without a wife
So he must love his neighbour

The young man is allowed to live with him
The sin nests above the leg
So he gladly helps to exorcize it
By music and candlelight When the church clock strikes twice
He folds his hands for prayer
He has lived without a wife
So he must love his neighbour

When the church clock strikes twice
He takes the boy into his prayers
He is a true Christian
And he knows what charity is

Turn around slowly
Turn around

Letra de Hallelujah (english lyrics) de Oliver Riedel

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