He gets that from me

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Letra de He gets that from me

Reba McEntire

His early morning attitude,
You have to drag him outta bed,
Only frosted flakes will do,
He gets that from me
Yeah he gets that from me

His curly hair and his knobby knees,
The way the sun brings those freckles out,
Talkin' talk never miss a beat,
Yeah he gets that from me,
He gets that from me

He looks at me with those big brown eyes,
He's got me in the palm of his hands,
And I swear sometimes,
It's just like you're here again,

He smiles that little crooked smile,
There's no denying he's your child,
Without him I don't know what I'd do,
He gets that from you,
Oh he gets that from you How he loves your old guitar,
Yeah he's taught himself today,
He melts my heart,
Tells me he loves me every day,

And cracks a joke at the perfect time,
Makes me laugh when I want to cry,
That boy is everything to me,
He gets that from you,
He gets that from you

Last night I heard him pray,
Lord help me and momma make it through,
And tell daddy we'll be ok,

He said he sure misses you,
He sure misses you,
He really misses you,
He gets that from me

Letra de He Gets That From Me de Reba McEntire

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