Held on by wired

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Letra de Held on by wired

Kill Hannah

Dance slow now, sugar
the view is spectacular here, tonight
there he goes exploding all the light
in one fell blow
Hitting planes down
hitting planes down
hitting planes down
'cause everyone, they're robots
with their heads held on by wires
who are we? who are we?
'cause everyone's duct taped and tied
pin stuck, but look how happy
who are we? who are we?
Don't go inside
the band is terrible here, tonight
sit by me and jump off this balcony
in one fell blow
Twenty floors down
so fast and loud, clothes flapping
and we're smiling
'cause everyone, they're robots
with their hearts wrapped up in wire
who are we? who are we?
'cause everyone's duct taped and tied
pin stuck, but look how excited
Who are we? who are we?

Letra de Held On By Wired de Kill Hannah

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