I am your skin

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Letra de I am your skin

The Bravery

And you know me now
like a mother knows a child
And you know me now
like I came from your own body
I can feel your pulse like a moth inside a jar
And even this is still too far
Even this is still too far

I wanna be your skin
I wanna feel everything you feel
I wanna be your covering

So let them come like an army against us
I know you won't be afraid
Because I am the armor upon you now
And we are never betrayed
There is no ending between you and me

I wanna be your skin
I wanna feel everything you feel
I wanna be your covering
And I will hide you inside of me
With every breath in harmony
I wanna be your skin
I wanna be your covering.

Letra de I am your skin de The Bravery

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