In out

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de In out

Oliver Riedel

(translation to: rein raus)

I am the rider
You are the horse
I climb on
We ride off
You moan
I whisper to you
An elephant in the eye of a needle

In, out

I am the rider
You are the horse
I have the key
You have the lock
The door opens
I enter
Life can be so splendorous

In, out

Deeper, deeper
Say it! say it loud!
Deeper, deeper
I am well within your skin
And a thousand elephants break out

The ride was short
I am sorry
I climb off
I have no time
I must go now to the other horses
They also want to be ridden

In, out

In (deeper)
Out (deeper)

Letra de In Out de Oliver Riedel

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