Iron savior

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Letra de Iron savior

Iron Savior

Out of the cold you've been given birth
made out of steel to protect and serve
build for eternity you're indestructable
free of emotions a robot miracle

Now you're up there above the clouds
reading your sensors trace
programmed to correct the errors
of the human race

Iron Iron Savior -Godness in the sky
we can't hide from your cold, staring eye
Iron Iron Savior - Godness in the sky
deadly and dangerous you'll never die
You gave us hope the Savior machine
you were supposed to be a millions dream

Circuits, chips and bits and bytes
detecting the failure
result of analyses
the human behavior
(I must get control)
Iron Iron Savior - Godness in the sky Solo Kai

The Savior knows what's wrong or right
he made up his artificial mind
Now mankind's fate is in his hand
will he ever understand

Iron Iron Savior - Godness in the sky

Iron Iron Savior - look what you have done
cant you see your assesment might be wrong Iron Iron Savior - robot of
the law
end this illfated devestating war

Letra de Iron Savior de Iron Savior

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