Last one to sleep

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Letra de Last one to sleep

Glass Garage

I'll take a fall, i'll take my only way out.
i'll take all chances that i've got right now and
i'll watch you trapped, watch you crying for your life now.
its like a game every single point counts.
one mistake and i have to bow down.
well ive the end, ive found the only way to get out.
and i knew you'd see it,
knew you'd read it,
knew you were feeding me. (x2)
well when im gone you'll look back and wonder,
"was he really better off without her?"
well im at the end, ive found the only way to get out.
its like a game every single point counts.
one mistake and i have to bow down.
im at the end, ive found the only way to get out.
and i knew you'd see it,
knew you'd read it,
knew you were feeding me. (x2)
and i knew you'd see it,
knew you'd read it,
knew you were feeding me. (x2)

Letra de Last One To Sleep de Glass Garage

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