Living in misery

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Living in misery

Kill Hannah

Look through my eyes
and tell me just what do you see,
In schools that look like factories
we slow dance to our own heartbeats,
Look through my eyes
as missing children fill the streets,
Joan of arc and josephine
you can hear them sing.

We are living in misery,
in misery,
in misery,
We are living in misery
but we have to hold on,
Yes we have to hold on.

You and I
we are the sons and daughters of kings,
I want to live for centuries,
I want to see everything,
Now you're one of us
so fall in love with tragedy,
This is the tempo and the key
this is the song we have to sing,

We are living in misery,
in misery,
in misery,
We are living in misery
but we have to hold on,
Yes we have to hold on.

Misery, living in misery, hold on

Letra de Living in Misery de Kill Hannah

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