Love and hate are but one fate

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Letra de Love and hate are but one fate

Raul Seixas

(Planos de Papel )

You hide in the tomb between your thighs
You vulture womb with hooded eyes
Waiting to glut upon my flesh,
You brooding storm, you crimson lash
Engulphing vise!!
You leaden weight, you musky scent, you silken touch
Dooming sea-rise

I who was my king of fire and thunder
Feel that my crown is dwindling under
A thousand hands I cannot see
Plucking from me my love of me,
Oh, burning pain. Watching my ego sinking slowly into that pit
What will remain?

Oh, If love is death, what else can I do
Remains but hate, and I`ll bury it in you

Now I plunge my spear in scarlet fetter
My iron rod be your begetter
Since I'll be born again from you
No longer me but me and you
Be you the same!

For love and hate are but one fate for love and mate
Part of the game!!

Letra de Love and hate are but one fate de Raul Seixas

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