Love and hate

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Letra de Love and hate

Mano Negra

i love your lips and i love your legs
i love your lips, baby your wise stylee
i love your clothes and i love your smile
i love you, i love , i love you while
you don´t even look at me
and i go crazy

for all the woman that i never had
i song my song of love and hate
i hate the boys walking by your side
i hate my dreams they´re not satisfate
i hate me baby for being to shy
i hate you, i hate you, i hate you while
you dont even look at me
and i go crazy

for all the woman that i never had
i sing my song of
love and hate

ornella muti
si jolie madmasuelle
vuos etres moi folies
vuos etres si belles.

Letra de Love and hate de Mano Negra

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