Margaritas and cock

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Margaritas and cock

Gatsby's American Dream

You gotta bring the hope back baby
The wide-eyed belief that there's something that's
worth singing for
I've got a lot to say, I've got a lot to say
I bring the songs and I say I've got a lot to say
They are just here to sell - I came here to create
And I've got a lot to say
I've got to write these songs
I've got to sing for all the ways you love me
I've got to write these songs
So you remember that you believe in music
I'll speak the truth so you know I mean it
I'll take my time so you know I mean it
I've got to write these songs
I've got to sing for all the ways you love me
I've got to write these songs
So you remember that you believe in music
We stepped into the ring with a matador
There is no way to win
But we can try to gore the shit out of this
motherfuc*** and leave a scar
So he'll remember who we are now baby
So he'll remember who we are

Letra de Margaritas And Cock de Gatsby's American Dream

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