New messiah

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de New messiah

Fear Factory

The future beings now!
The future beings now!

Hour of change, elimination
Eyes of disdain, cruel explitation
Chaos and bloodshed dominate
Chaos and bloodshed, cause of hate

A new messiah, another lie
A new messiah to be denied

The future beings now!
The future beings now!

Culture deceit, discrimination
A cross to bear, every religion
Chaos and bloodshed dominate
Chaos and bloodshed, cause of hate

A new messiah, another lie
A new messiah to be denied

The future beings now!

Who will be the chosen ones
To be aware and transcend
Who will be the chosen ones
Living in a world without end?
A world without end, A world without end

A new messiah, another lie
A new messiah to be denied

A new messiah...

Letra de New Messiah de Fear Factory

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