Ni te tengo, ni te olvido (en inglés)

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Letra de Ni te tengo, ni te olvido (en inglés)

Julio Iglesias

I don’t know what to do with you
I don’t have you, nor can I forget you
I don’t want to go on like this
A toy of your whims

Why do I love you so much
Why is there so much desire
Why this crazy love
That I want and I don’t want

I’ve got accustomed to
The way you give yourself
To the heat there is in your skin
And the pleasure of caressing you
When you feel like a woman
There’s no affection to give you
When you feel like a woman

What I’d give to have
Your caresses every day
And be able to please you
Every time you were mine
What I’d give to know
That I’d never lose you I can’t see the path
That separates me from you
I can’t go on with you
I can’t live without you

What I’d give to have
Your caresses every day
And be able to please you
Every time you were mine
What I’d give to know
That I’d never lose you

I can’t see the path
That separates me from you
I can’t go on with you
I can’t live without you

Letra de Ni Te Tengo, Ni Te Olvido (en inglés) de Julio Iglesias

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