Ni vengo, ni voy (en inglés)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Ni vengo, ni voy (en inglés)

Julio Iglesias

I’m not coming or going
I don’t care whether I stay or go on
From climbing up to the sky
I lost consciousness of the ground and I got tired of living

I’m not coming or going
I don’t care whether I stay or go on
From roaming searching for a destiny
I don’t have land nor a nest, I don’t have anywhere to live

Nobody’s waiting for me anywhere
I lost my life wanting to give
How sad reality becomes
When one lives to dream

Nobody’s waiting for me anywhere
I lost my life wanting to give
How sad reality becomes
When one lives to dream

I’m not coming or going
I don’t care whether I stay or go on
From climbing up to the sky
I lost consciousness of the ground and I got tired of living I’m not coming or going
I don’t care whether I stay or go on
Because when changing my luck
Nobody wanted to love me, I was taught that

Nobody’s waiting for me anywhere
I lost my life wanting to give
How sad reality becomes
When one lives to dream

Nobody’s waiting for me anywhere
I lost my life wanting to give
How sad reality becomes
When one lives to dream

Letra de Ni Vengo, Ni Voy (en inglés) de Julio Iglesias

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