No quiero fingir amor (en inglés)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de No quiero fingir amor (en inglés)

Axel Fernando

Maybe you don’t understand why I left like that
I don’t know, today I see in your eyes that they try to feign love
And I’ve realized that unintentionally something died

Maybe I was to blame, maybe it was both of us
I don’t know, there are no words to explain so much pain
And our destiny began today, saying goodbye

Let the heart decide for both of us
It’ll help us find the strength to go on

You’ve shown me a thousand ways to love
You see, your name is tattooed on my skin
I’m not going to wipe it off and I’ll live in your memory

Let the heart decide for both of us
It’ll help us find the strength to go on
Leave in your heart a place for a new love
He who occupies it will know very well that I was there

Letra de No Quiero Fingir Amor (en inglés) de Axel Fernando

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