O mundo ainda não está pronto (english lyrics)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de O mundo ainda não está pronto (english lyrics)

Pato Fu

Who finds that the world
is everything in the life

Unhappyly does not know of nothing
Also I also does not know
Also I also does not know

But at least I am,
I is I is here crying out:

I am here crying out
I am funny that somebody
Can give attention
To any subject of nowadays
Or then changing to a hot and soft girl
For a national periodical
Or a record of the terror would cry out

Who gives an old war to me of
to fight Infundindo in the dogs the terror is popular
Therefore is Spectacular

Letra de O mundo ainda não está pronto (english lyrics) de Pato Fu

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