One moment to another

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de One moment to another

Patty Smyth

In the name of the fifty-three saints
I will go searching says
Seek out the hurt he says
Where comes this pain
Could it be a whirlwind spinning in the dark
An animal in your heart he says
I will find the same in time
One moment to another
One moment to another
One moment to another
With the baby that went before
There will be no suffering says

There will be no hurt he says
For either or the one
He will into this world
He's an easy thing he says
No mishappenings he says
The innocent will come in time
One moment to another
One moment to another
One moment to another
There will be no suffering
There will be no hurt

Letra de One Moment To Another de Patty Smyth

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