One play. no script.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de One play. no script.


Life is floating
Passing me by

Sometimes I try to reach for it;
Sometimes I do not care

Destiny, I was set to cross
I only see the paths walked
Yet, as new images emerge
I look ahead
Playing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde;
One foot in the stream
One in control;
Sometimes I don't care

Life is floating
Passing me by

Sometimes I try to reach for it;
Sometimes I do not care

Earth, I was placed upon
I see society; and Them

Yet, as I am here anyway
I look around
But as things grow too big or too small
I fall
I find
Sometimes I try to reach for it

Life is floating
Passing me by

Sometimes I try to reach for it;
Sometimes I do not care

Letra de One Play. No Script. de Peccatum

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