Pregúntale (en inglés)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Pregúntale (en inglés)

Julio Iglesias

Tired of loving, thinking that maybe
I have been a game to you
Tired of waiting for one who doesn’t care any more
I’m dying from so much loneliness

I know you don’t care, you were always like that
So indifferent with me
On the other hand I was always in love with you

Ask the sea how many times I’ve thought of you, woman
Ask the wind how many times I shouted your name
Ask it, ask it
Ask the wine, companion in my loneliness
The time of my life that I’ve lost
Ask it, ask it

Tired of loving, thinking that maybe
I have been a game to you
Tired of waiting for one who doesn’t care any more
I’m dying from so much loneliness I know you don’t care, you were always like that
So indifferent with me
On the other hand I was always in love with you

Ask that friend of ours how much I cried
Ask the night how long I waited
Ask it, ask it
Ask the one who no longer has tears left to cry
Who has suffered so much that he no longer feels
Ask him, ask him

Letra de Pregúntale (en inglés) de Julio Iglesias

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