Que fragilidade (english lyrics)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Que fragilidade (english lyrics)

Pato Fu

Care is fragile my good my heart
Is alone of meat does not have cement
Is not alone of well-taken care of meat
my good is fragile inside does not have cement of my heart

My well-taken care of heart does not have cement
Is fragile inside my good is alone of meat
does not have cement is fragile my
well well-taken care of one

Only has meat inside of my heart
A thus so fragile love
Always finds that it goes to only die
of it to lean the hand

But still lives, still loves who makes to suffer to it

Letra de Que Fragilidade (english lyrics) de Pato Fu

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