Really wanna know you

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Really wanna know you

Gary Wright

I don't mind being lonely
but i do mind if not being loved
maybe you're feeling the same way too
you're ready to hold some one
( chorus )
I really wanna know you
i really wanna show you the way i feel
i really wanna know you
i really wanna show you the way i feel
Something about you is telling me
we're coming from the very same place
it's only just a notion i have
(but) i see it written over your face
( repeat chorus )
( *** ) you've got something about you that i want around me
something i've been searching all my life through
so now it's up to you, yeah, yeah
tell me what you're gonna do
i wanna know yeah yeah yeah
Everytime i see you it's the same thing all over again
you're doing something to me it's true
and i don't want to fell it end
( repeat chorus and repeat *** )

Letra de Really Wanna Know You de Gary Wright

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