Redneck 12 days of christmas

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Redneck 12 days of christmas

Jeff Foxworthy

It takes 2 people to do this song
Oh i see somebody done been christmas shoping but what kind of gifts are these?
well there is a
12 pack of bud, 11 wrestling tickets,10 of copenhagen, 9 years probation, 8 table dancers, 7 packs of red man, 6 cans of spam, 5 flannel shirts, 4 big mud tires, 3 shot gun shells, 2 hunting dogs, and some parts to a mustang gt.
well you know it just ain't the holidays without momma.
thats where the 9 years probation comes in will
you listen hey get that key out of your ear
Well how do you know if you should get these gifts?
well there are several ways to tell if you are a redneck like if you ever misspelled something in christmas lights then you might be a redneck or if you leave pickled eggs and beer for santa claus then you might be a redneck or if you have a beer can nativity you might be a redneck those are just a few ways to tell if you need to get gifts like these.
like what?

Letra de Redneck 12 Days Of Christmas de Jeff Foxworthy

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