Sertões (english lyrics)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Sertões (english lyrics)

Pato Fu

I do not make account of the lost time

That the time alone passes

Not return pra backwards

I do not read the lines

The lines are straight lines

The verses, poems Quandaries are more

The stories disfarçam The suffered life,

race Of our old poor persons parents

I do not cut the ropes

Because on them they are my feet

He admires me the sky is the limit

Destination, punishment in any place

Bendito is with all certainty

Or does not have people not

Moonlight as this of the hinterland

People do not have or not

Letra de Sertões (english lyrics) de Pato Fu

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