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Letra de Silence

Assemblage 23

I want you to know the thoughts
my mind contains
i want you to feel the rage
pulse through my veins
i want you to see the anger
in my eyes
i want you to feel fear
for your own life
I want to see the tears
fill up your eyes
i want to see you beg
and apologize
i want to walk behind you
without a sound
i want to burn your body
to the ground
Don't let my silence
bother you
i'm only seething
don't misconstrue
silence as safety
as security
there's an explosion
inside of me
I want you to know the depths
of my disgust
i want you to learn
the emptiness of trust
i want you to rue the day
that you were born
i want you to feel the fury
of my storm
I want my silence to keep
you up at night
i want you to know the hatred
you incite
i want you to sit and listen
to me scathe
i want to dance upon your
sorry grave
Don't let my silence
bother you
i'm only seething
don't misconstrue
silence as safety
as security
there's an explosion
inside of me

Letra de Silence de Assemblage 23

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