So far so great

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de So far so great

Zapping Zone

Off to the races
I'm going places
Might be a long shot
Not gonna waste it
This is the big break
And it's calling my name, yeah

So far so great, get with it
At least that's how I see it
Just having a dream
Just to be getting it

So far so great, get with it
At least that's how I see it
Just having a dream
Just to be getting it

So far so great, believe it
Can't take away this feeling
Taking a ride
Chance of my side
Yah, I can't wait
So far so great
So far so great


Letra de So far So great de Zapping Zone

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