So who said romance is dead?

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Letra de So who said romance is dead?

Glamour of the Kill

So many times i've lied.
So many times i've run away
But not this time, i'm not lying to myself
I can't look back
Upon the past
I've spent to long searching for myself.

So who said that romance was dead?
I hear the cries, of the wolves
Their warnings
They call my name
They reach for me
And I know, I know

Tonight, tonight we will dine in hell (x2)

We wont ever witness the light
And we won't ever lay down
Ever lay down and die

These walls, they burn my innocense away

Surrounded by the screams
I can't catch the air as I fall down

But I can't look back
Upon the past
I've spent too long
Searching for myself Our time is now (x7)

Tonight, tonight we will dine in hell (x2)

This burning crimson scars us all
Through fire and flames is where i fall

You wanna piece of me?
You want it, come get it
You wanna piece?
You want a piece of me!!

Letra de So Who Said Romance Is Dead? de Glamour of the Kill

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