Soon be to nothing

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Letra de Soon be to nothing

Indigo Girls

Kelly mountain road saw a heavy load
with a sagging heart and a break
voices in me stoof as thick as thieves
with no sympathy for the beggars art
i have passed these pine 'bout a
million times effortlessly
now i grip the wheel fear is what i feel
at the slow unraveling of me
You tell me it's temporary it's a matter
of time
by god odn't you think i know it's in
my mind
it's right over left and healing the then
i'll soon be to nothing but i don't
know when
Well the way i flee on my crooked feet
barn happy horse on a one-track
then i self despise cryin' out my eyes
'cause the happy trail led me to
but the road is long and the song
is gone
i blow empty in my cicada shell
if i saw my choice i might find my voice
but i don't know when and i just
can't tell
You tell me it's temporary just a matter
of time
by god don't you think i know it's in
my mind
it's right over left and healing the then
i'll soon be to nothing but i don't
know when
Deep behind my face is a safer place
but old gears are hitched tight to
the gate
it's a daily grind waiting to unwind
till i hear that click that unlocks my fate
So tell me it's temporary it's a matter
of time
by god don't you think i know it's in
my mind
it's right over left and healing the then
i'll soon be to nothing but i don't
know when
i'll soon be to nothing but i don't
know when

Letra de Soon Be To Nothing de Indigo Girls

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