Take 5 (english lyrics)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Take 5 (english lyrics)

Utada Hikaru

Collapsing onto the cold grass
I want to hide my burning body

The mid-winter constellations are my lovers
I‘ve been waiting all this time

My mood is at its best today
Like the sky that has no despair nor hope
I want to be transparent

Having never met, we would not have fought
Or or disillusioned ourselves

Like a knife, the wind
Rushes me to increase my speed
But I'm taking five

What kind of me makes me happy?
Without success nor failure,
I want to be translucent like the sky

Take off your coat and let's get in
There's no beginning and no ending
I want to live this day called 'today' honestly

Letra de Take 5 (english lyrics) de Utada Hikaru

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