Take away this pain

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Letra de Take away this pain


Could you take way this pain?
could you take away this shame?
would the thoughts that are weighing on my mind just go away?
with each depressing day my joy falls away.
Why is this happening?
what am i meant for?
why is this happening?
if you'd explain, i think it would ease the pain.
With each sunrise my life presses on.
a life of pain.
a life of fading dreams.
take away this pain.
I beg you everyday to ease my pain.
you give me peace.
you give me hope.
someday you'll throw away my pain.
Why can't that day be today?
move this moutain of grief.
break these chains of pain.
block the bullet of depression.
With your help i'll make it through.
i'll survive in you alone.
so help me.
help me survive.
help me find joy.
As i'm here on my knees,
i begin to feel the pain drift away.
i feel the peace flowing through me.
and i thank you.

Letra de Take Away This Pain de Outlaw

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