Thank you

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Thank you

La cantante jazz

This it is my history

I am in the city of
new york
walking at night
full with betrayal

but your you helped me
your you gave me heat
your you kissed me
and I tell you thank you Mister
thank you to help me
thank you to be this way
and thank you

today I am in
the recording study
singing a song for you
I am saying
thank you
and I am not so happy
as when I saw you
for the first time

but your you helped me
your you gave me heat
your you kissed me
and I tell you thank you Mister
thank you to help me
thank you to be this way
and thank you
love and it is that I love you
for that are so pretty
and I adore you
in my world

but your you helped me
your you gave me heat
your you kissed me
and I tell you thank you Mister
thank you to help me
thank you to be this way
and thank you

but your you helped me
your you gave me heat
your you kissed me
and I tell you thank you Mister
thank you to help me
thank you to be this way
and thank you

with my guitar and hat

Letra de Thank you de La cantante jazz

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