The fine and subtle art of deception

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Letra de The fine and subtle art of deception


I saw in your eyes that you hate the world.

What you see is what you get
I am the bastard you won't forget

The minute I laid eyes on you
I knew you were no good.

Pocket my fists
Hide fingers clenched
Betrayal makes me want to take a swing
A crooked smile smothers the pain
Submerge the hate that begs to seethe

Lets finish it.

I want to rip out your heart
I want to rip out your heart

Would you one time kick it, what the fuck!

Don't you want to hear my last words?
I just did.

All your promises were just lies
All your promises were just lies

Letra de The Fine And Subtle Art Of Deception de Killwhitneydead

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