The ranch

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de The ranch

La cantante jazz

It's a dark night
and fear unleashed
the panic rises
and watered more blood
I beg you run
puden kill you
is the second time
I'm here

We do not yell that all is well
this is the ranch
is not as cruel as you imagine
only beheads you
but the rest all is well everything is very well
this is the ranch do not go running

a crime was committed
in the room of a ranch
and I hope you're not
in this major problem
get out of there
ban to kill us
and it is time that we run
by that I do not want to die

We do not yell that all is well
this is the ranch
is not as cruel as you imagine
only beheads you
but the rest all is well everything is very well
this is the ranch do not go running
Ranch one minutes have to think
and devise a plan
to escape from here
and live
is time that we run ...

We do not yell that all is well
this is the ranch
is not as cruel as you imagine
only beheads you
but the rest all is well everything is very well
this is the ranch do not go running

Letra de The ranch de La cantante jazz

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