Thousand enemies

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Thousand enemies

Girls Dead Monster

Spending time with you when you’re in a bad mood
There’s one thing I’ve found out
You’re just pretending while fighting frantically
Like a block of ice don’t ever change
Even in the heat of the summer sun stay with me and don’t melt away
I’m sure that there’s a beautiful glacier ahead
If only they’d realize; Everyone has a heart that takes that form; You have one too

Becoming so hungry that I’m unable to walk
There’s one thing I’ve found out
I’ve been postponing what I have to do and doing only the things that I want
We eat and prepare for battle
I want to hold onto this steel will forever
Nothing can penetrate it
I’m sure that even now I’m standing firm under its protection
There are countless paths to take
There are enemies waiting for me; They’re waiting for you too When I’m lost I want you to show me the heart’s map
If you do that I’ll understand where I am right away
I won’t understand just by myself

Come on! Let’s cross the numerous bridges
We’ll be together forever just like a couple
Even in the heat of the summer sun we’ll never be separated
I’m sure that a magnificent scenery awaits us ahead
At that time I’ll listen to all of those feelings you’ve collected
I have them too; I’ll let you listen to mine too; I’ll let you listen to them all

Letra de Thousand Enemies de Girls Dead Monster

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