Too hot to handle it

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Letra de Too hot to handle it

Giorgio Moroder

Caught in the crossfire, warnin fight
Legends make or break game
Swept up by the rolling waves of the night
The paper chase for fame

I was too, too hot, baby
Too hot to handle
Yeah, I was too, too hot
Too hot to handle

Wink of an eye, the feelings ran high
A real rock and roll molest
But I aint no romance
And I aint no slow chance
Wont get no quick change

*and Im too, too hot, baby
Too hot to handle
Yeah, Im too, too hot, baby
Too hot to handle

**sha la la la, roll you over
Turn you around and do it again
Sha la la la , keep on coming
Do it once but never the same



Im in your town, wont fool around
Ill make some action stick
Just like the story says, these boys are bad
So keep out of shootin range

Letra de Too Hot To Handle It de Giorgio Moroder

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