Uneasy hearts weigh the most

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Uneasy hearts weigh the most

Dance Gavin Dance

To feel her touch...
it´s almost impossible to hold still
maybe we can go back to the way it was
well, at least let me love you the same...

I got lies to tell your children
when my smile pierces through your bones
right through your bones

The grass is green inside my yard
i can make you laugh so fuc*** hard
it hurts you
inside your bones...

When she talks i listen
she´s in the shower
and her skin glistens
like, oh my god, i like it
like, oh god, i like it..

I suggest a drive, let´s take the back road
let´s get lost, let´s lose our minds...

Hey, little girl, i think we found it tonight
i think we glow that fuc*** bright, oh!..
and, when she laughs, i like it
like, "oh ha ha ha ha ha"...

I got lies to tell your children
when my smile pierces through your bones
right through your bones

The grass is green inside my yard
i can make you laugh so fuc*** hard
it hurts you
inside your bones...

Holy shit, she smells like heaven
been best friends since we were eleven
and, oh my god, i like her...
yeah, i heard you like her...

Baby, i tought that we had something
compared to him, i´m next to nothing
oh my god, i like her
yeah, i heard you like her...

I am a million fuc*** bucks!
I am a thousand fuc*** fucks!
your bitch is dead
she was hit by a truck.

What the f***!...

Holy shit, she smells like heaven
been best friends since we were eleven
and, oh my god, i like her
yeah, i heard you like her

Baby, i tought that we had something
compared to him, i´m next to nothing
oh my god, i like her
yeah, i heard you like her...

Letra de Uneasy Hearts Weigh The Most de Dance Gavin Dance

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